Mission and focus:

Our goal is quite simply to promote good journalism, factual information and good consumer relations for publishing-industry professionals. With the evolution of the Internet, we've seen a barrage of less-than-reliable information sources appear. In addition, there's become a virtual marketplace for plagiarism and other unethical practices. These are things that must be stopped, but the evolution of technology has come so quickly that most the publishing-industry has not been able to adapt quickly enough. The resources for an in-house fact-checking desk is unheard of in most newsrooms today, but the need for it is that much greater. Unfortunately, when budgets are cut and competition gets high, the fact-check is one of the first areas to suffer. However, this is as we have all learned through tried and true experience the most essential element of American journalism. In fact, it should be the keystone of every journalistic endeavor. This is why our goal is to achieve the utmost accuracy and credibility for information & publications regardless of the format. Whether it is online, on-wire, on-air or off-the-press, our experienced staff of journalists seeks to provide adequate fact checks for the most prominent problem areas of any publication.

In addition to paid services, our journalists offer pro-bono story-finder services and inception programs for web development. When in the course of checking a story or fact one of our researchers finds a good story lead that they believe will be of benefit for the public, our checkers contact news industry professionals and provide them with that information. Our mission is always to promote public knowledge and exchange of vital news-related information.

We care about the accuracy of information. Integrity is of the utmost importance for our company. That's why every Fact-Checkers.com member is absolutely dedicated to effective and efficient research for news and information services.

Contact our director today to inquire about our affordable and essential editing services!


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